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Money Saving Winter Driving Tips

03 Feb 2023

With the recent frosty spells and on-going cost of living crisis we have rounded up some of our money saving winter driving tips that can help you identify the issues you may face in winter and how to avoid them.

Planning ahead

There are a few steps you can take before you have even left the house that can help save you money this winter. This can be as simple as having maps open during your journey so you can be given advance warning about traffic on your route and if there are any alternative routes you can take. Even for routes you drive often such as commuting to work, it can be helpful to be notified of any unexpected delays and suggested faster routes.

Another way you can save money is by looking for fuel stations before your journey. This avoids any extra journeys to fill up at potentially more expensive fuel stations. Most supermarkets have petrol stations nearby – planning to fill up your vehicle while doing your weekly shop can help avoid any unnecessary journeys.

Avoid potholes and uneven road surfaces

It is common in winter for road conditions to worsen. Being aware of the road conditions on the journeys you are taking can help save money by avoiding unnecessary damage to your vehicle. Dodging potholes and problems with the road surface can help avoid damage to your vehicles suspension and tyres.

If your journey entails driving down country roads, it is good to be aware of what you may encounter on the road. It is common in winter for tree branches on the road, uneven surfaces and tight gaps which can all lead to possible damage to your vehicle.

If your vehicle does happen to get damaged by a pothole, you can receive compensation. Knowing how to report a pothole and claim any damage can be a great backup plan should your vehicle get damaged on the road.

Avoid idling

Idling a vehicle can use a lot of fuel as well as produce twice the amount of emissions of a car in motion. Cars are also less efficient when they are cold. Many engines are designed to operate from the moment you turn the key. Therefore, warming up the engine prior to your journey is no longer required.

Check your vehicle before problems develop

A quick five minute check can sometimes help you identify an issue before it develops into something a mechanic needs to look at. Doing this can also help prevent a breakdown happening and keep your vehicle in great condition. Carrying out vehicle checks before setting off can also help reduce MOT costs, save you money and keep yourself and other motorists safe.

 Mercedes-Benz South West offer a Winter Health Check to keep our customers moving during the winter months. Our highly trained technicians will carry out an in depth check of your vehicle which can help uncover any issues on your vehicle and get it ready for winter.

We hope some of these money saving winter driving tips help you during these cold months. If you would like to speak with our team about checking if you vehicle is ready for winter, contact us.

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