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Mercedes-Benz South West is a trading name of City West Country Limited which is an appointed representative of ITC which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance.

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Changes may have been made to products and services since the editorial deadline for individual pages. The illustrations may show accessories, items of optional equipment or other features which are not part of the standard specification or service scope. Colours may differ slightly from those shown on the website, owing to technical limitations. Unless stated otherwise in our Terms & Conditions of sale and delivery, the prices as valid on the day of delivery apply.


Unless otherwise indicated, all brands displayed are subject to the trademark rights of Daimler, this applies especially to its model names, and its corporate logos and emblems.

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Unless otherwise indicated, all brands displayed are subject to the trademark rights of Daimler, this applies especially to its model names, and its corporate logos and emblems.


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© 2022 Mercedes-Benz South West | VAT Reg. No.: 945 6630 01. Registered in England. Co. Reg. No: 04306194