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3 Ways to Test Drive

20 Aug 2021
There’s nothing like a Mercedes-Benz Test Drive… the thrill as you sit in the driver’s seat and feel the tingle of excitement when you run your hands over the steering wheel, the first roar of the engine and the pure joy of finding your next car. We now have three ways for you to enjoy test driving a Mercedes Benz: Accompanied, Unaccompanied or Home Test Driving. Accompanied Test Drives An accompanied Test Drive is the more traditional route. Our experienced and knowledgeable Star Experts will join you in the vehicle. Due to the current social distancing guidelines we are only allowed two people in the vehicle at one time, so while you sit in the driver’s seat our team member will be in back explaining all the features and making sure you get the full experience of the model that you’re driving. Unaccompanied Test Drives With an Unaccompanied Test Drive, you really are in the driver’s seat. Our Star Experts will walk you through the vehicle features and technology then, depending on your driving habits, will set you a pre-determined route so you can experience the type of drive most similar to your every day. With an Unaccompanied Test Drive you can focus on the drive and our team will be on hand when you get back to answer any questions or explain any additional features. Home test drive Home Test Drives When taking a home Test Drive our Star Experts will deliver the car to your home and wait while you take it for a spin. They will give you a full walk through of the car before your drive so you can fully test out all the technology. You will have a pre-agreed time to complete your Test Drive in and you can try the car out on your local routes to see how it fits to your lifestyle. Our Star Expert will wait for you to return and then talk you through the different options to complete your purchase! We’re ready to help you get the most from your Test Drive. Whether one of our team comes to you, or you enjoy the space to enjoy the experience alone; we want you to experience the very best. Explore our models to find our latest New and Approved Used models, or contact us to book your Test Drive today. [hubspot type=form portal=6656052 id=8b7591af-8cc4-4382-8ce0-ced8af9f563b]
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