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World Music Day - The Ultimate Driving Playlist

21 Jun 2023

In light of World Music Day, the team at Mercedes-Benz South West have compiled their favourite songs to create the ultimate driving playlist.

The annual music celebration originated in France, where it was introduced by the French Minister of Culture Jack Lang and Director of Music and Dance Maurice Flauret. The Fête de la Musique was first celebrated on the day of the summer solstice in Paris in 1982. It is now celebrated in over 700 cities in 120 countries.

The main aim of World Music Day is to encourage free concerts and live music to be accessible for everyone. In order to continue the tradition of celebrating music today, we’ve created a driving playlist, perfect for your in-car concerts on your road trips this summer.

Enjoy two hours of feel-good songs to uplift your driving experience this summer! Check back on our Spotify every month for an updated playlist of the ultimate driving songs.

June Driving Playlist


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