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Getting Back on the Road

10 Mar 2021
It goes without saying; the start of 2021 has been anything but normal. Now the UK is starting to come out of its current lockdown and the kids have gone back to school those old, familiar routines that haven’t been around for a while may be becoming reality again (hooray!) However there is a chance your vehicle has been sat on the drive since January only moving once a week to do the food shop. So now you’re out and about on the school run or preparing for the daily commute for the first time in a while, we have some top tips to ensure you have a safe journey now your vehicle is back on the road:

Check Your Tyres

If your car is sitting dormant then tyre pressure can decrease without your realising. Tyres need to be correctly inflated, without any cuts of bulges. Correctly inflated tyres reduce the risk of accidents, last longer, make the vehicle smoother to handle and will save you on fuel spend! Top up your tyres to the maximum pressure and make sure to check them regularly. The condition of your tyres is also imperative to your vehicle safety, particularly in wet and icy conditions. The legal tyre tread depth for cars is 1.6mm. If you are unsure if your tyres are in a safe condition, get them looked at professionally.

Top Up Your Screen Wash

You need to ensure you have filled up your screen wash and your windscreen wipers are working properly without streaking water. Using washer fluid rather than water will help to keep your windscreen clean but also prevent the washers freezing during those colder months.

Examine Your Lights

Since you last used your vehicle, a bulb might have blown. Turn all the lights on and walk around your car, tapping the lights to check they aren’t loose or damaged.

Book a Vehicle Health Check

For added peace of mind, get your car looked over by a professional with a service or health check. During our winter health check, our Mercedes-Benz technicians will check over your whole vehicle and system to ensure it is ready for the road. This includes
  • Lights check
  • Tyres check
  • Battery check
  • Cooling system check
  • Screen wash top up (if required)
  • Free car wash and vacuum
You may also wish to get an early MOT for your vehicle to check those key components you can’t see. If your car requires more expert care, our service workshops are open to support the needs of you and your vehicle during these unprecedented times. We’re here to keep you moving and to ensure that you can complete any essential journeys as safely as possible.

Visit our service pages for more information or to make an appointment.

Mercedes-Benz service and MOTs

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