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How Safety Distronic Plus and Brake Assist Plus works

18 Sep 2018
Safety Distronic Plus and Brake Assist Plus keeps an extra eye on the road and traffic ahead. If it detects any issue in front it will begin an automated response to any stopped traffic. The slightest distraction for a driver can have life-changing results so Mercedes-Benz have developed the Distronic Plus and Brake Assist Plus to provide another layer of safety assistance for the car occupants. Braking assist Using the advanced radar sensors the cars systems scan the traffic ahead for any stopped or slowing traffic. If the system senses that a collision is imminent, its PRE-SAFE Brake feature automatically initiates up to 40% braking power, audibly alerts the driver and engages the PRE-SAFE system. When the driver brakes, 100% braking pressure is instantly applied. If the driver fails to respond to any of the warning then the Brake Assist Plus system can apply full braking on its own, serving as an “electronic crumple zone” to help reduce the intensity of a collision. This comes as standard in a wide range of our new Mercedes-Benz vehicles. Have a look at our model range here.
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