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International Women’s Day 2023

08 Mar 2023

It’s International Women’s Day, and to kick things off we’d like to thank all our female employees here at Mercedes-Benz South West for being amazing every single day. We love recognising and celebrating our women’s success in the workplace and this week we’re giving you a glimpse of how our women succeed in what is assumed to have always been a male dominated industry. We asked our female staff to tell us what International Women's Day means to them, watch the full video below or head to our YouTube Channel.

All-Female Sales Team

Last year we caught up with our all-female Sales Team at Mercedes-Benz of Exeter, Francesca Parry (FP), Alisha Farebrother (AF) and Jess Footitt (JF). We asked them a few quick questions to get an insight into what it’s like being a woman in the automotive industry.

What would you change about the assumptions made by men of women in the motor industry?

FP: "Some customers might assume that perhaps because I’m a female I don’t know much about products or what I’m talking about. Luckily I haven’t had that with our customers here at Mercedes-Benz South West."

AF: "I’m quite new to the motor trade and I’ve been working for here coming up to three years. It’s quite safe to say that I’ve never had assumptions especially by a male within the department I work in, so I’ve never actually experienced the inequality which I think is a great thing. When I got asked to speak about International Women’s Day, to me I think we’re all equal anyway so it’s good how far it has come now."

JF: "I would say that the only thing I’ve experienced so far is when answering the phone some males might assume that you’re not in the sales department so they ask to be transferred through. I would say that is the only thing I would change because that is not the case. We do have a lot of women in our sales department it’s a very diverse group of individuals so I would change that if anything."

What advice would you give to other women looking to begin a career in the automotive industry?

FP: "We have such a great balance between male and female sales executives and managers in the team and we now have a female director which is great. I think there is an assumption that it’s a guy’s job but it definitely isn’t! So don’t feel scared if you’re like me and really into cars and like working with people because it’s a great job to be in."

JF: "As a new starter I felt very comfortable coming in from the get go. Everyone made me feel super welcome and we instantly connected as a team. I would say there is no inequality at all. Coming into the motor industry was quite a scary thing, it’s a very new thing to me and I’m completely new to this trade so I was a bit worried coming in, but that had nothing to do with it being a male dominated industry. So, I would just say if you’re looking to do it, it’s a great place to work. Everyone is super welcoming and encouraging, it’s great!"

AF: "Just because it’s car sales you shouldn’t think that you can’t go into it being a female. I never thought that I was going to go into car sales but it’s actually been the best route for me and I’ve really enjoyed it. I’ve got on with the team better than what I did in other jobs, so it’s been great."

Haryley Mortlock - Female Technician

We then spoke to female technician, Harley Mortlock, who started her career with Mercedes-Benz South West as an apprentice at Mercedes-Benz of Plymouth.

Have you always wanted to be a Vehicle Technician? What is your favourite part about the role?

"I have always dreamed of being a technician, and working on vehicles. From a young age, I was interested in engines and their complexities, as I see this as a challenge to overcome.  I see a faulty vehicle as something to get stuck into and enjoy solving the problem placed in front of me. My favourite part of being a technician is just that. I take great pride in knowing that I have fixed the fault and can let the vehicle go out in the best shape possible."

How did you begin your career as a Vehicle Technician?

"I attended City College and wished to progress my career. I then decided to take on the challenge and throw myself in to the deep in by accepting an apprenticeship with Mercedes-Benz of Plymouth. And I have never looked back!"

Do you find it hard being the only female in a workshop full of males?

"I would not say this is something that has or will ever cross my mind, whilst I have been with Mercedes-Benz of Plymouth. When I first started in the company, I wanted to make a good impression and ensure I gained the respect I deserved. I feel my colleagues took me under their wings and allowed me to grow, learn and ensure I succeeded."

Did you have any concerns or worries about becoming the only female technician at Mercedes-Benz of Plymouth?

"I was worried before I came to the workshop; you are naturally concerned entering a male environment. But I have been able to thrive and gain the respect from my fellow colleagues, despite my gender. And show them a thing or two in the process!"

Do you feel you’ve had fair chances and opportunities as a female technician at Mercedes-Benz South West?

"My mentor has always encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone and try things I may not be confident enough to try on my own. I think this has enabled new challenges and opportunities to be offered to me."

More than 90% of automotive technicians are male. How does it feel to be leading the change to an increase in diversity in this role?

"I think we have a long way to go in ensuring full equality in workplaces in general, however to be breaking the glass ceiling in a traditionally male-orientated environment certainly boosts my confidence and makes me believe in the change that will eventually be." Harley’s manager, Dean Braddon, comments: Harley is a fantastic member of the workshop team, and is a joy to work with. Harley is very hard working, and is respected highly by the rest of the technicians and service team. Her skillset is of the highest calibre, and I know she will continue to progress further and become an even more talented technician in the future.

We'd like to thank Francesca, Alisha, Jess and Harley for giving us an insight into working in the automotive industry as a female. We would also like to say Happy International Women's Day to all the ladies working at Mercedes-Benz South West. Keep up the amazing work!

If you are interested in working with a forward thinking employer that is committed to staff wellbeing and equality, visit our careers page where you can browse all our current vacancies. We would love to hear from you.

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