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LCV and Van Servicing Made Simple

21 Jul 2021
With so many of us stuck indoors, we’ve been even more reliant on online shopping, which has led to a boom in home deliveries. More home deliveries mean there are more vans on the road, so much so in fact that sales of vans in the UK came close to record levels in the first six months of 2021. What all that means is that there’s a lot of first-time van owners out there who are completely new to the world of van servicing. So, what should you expect from a van service? We’re here to explain.

When should my van be serviced?

That depends on all sorts of factors, from the make and model of your van to its age and how many miles it has done. To find the answer for your van, you should consult the manufacturer’s manual. It will include a recommended servicing schedule and a maintenance log, which will outline the service intervals. However, as a general rule, a standard or manufacturer service should be carried out roughly every 12 months or after 12,000 miles, whichever comes sooner. Most newer vans will tell you when they need to be serviced. For example, Mercedes-Benz ASSYST measures oil quantity and quality, engine load and other variables to determine the optimum time for a service. One spanner lights up when your van needs a lubrication service and two spanners light up for a maintenance service.

What does a van service involve?

During your van service, a qualified mechanic will perform checks on the inside and outside of your vehicle to make sure that it’s running safely, smoothly and efficiently. They will also perform routine work such as changing the oil and oil filter. If they identify any parts that need replacing, they will contact you to get your permission before doing the work. If they find components that are beginning to wear but are fine for the time being, they will advise you what those components are and when they will need to be changed. At Mercedes-Benz, we offer a minor service (Service A) and a major service (Service B) on all of our light commercial vehicles. Mercedes-Benz Service A This is a series of checks, adjustments and inspections that take place after your van’s first 10,000 miles and then every two years or 20,000 miles (whichever is sooner) after that. It includes:
  • Replacement oil filter and oil
  • All fluid levels checked and topped up
  • Tyre pressures tested and corrected
  • Brakes tested
Mercedes-Benz Service B This is a more thorough service that includes an additional set of inspections and is not required until after your van’s first 20,000 miles. After that, it will need to be done every two years or after the next 20,000 miles. Service B includes all of the checks, tests and replacements included in Service A, as well as:
  • Cabin dust filter replacement
  • Brakes checked and the fluid changed
  • All other fluid levels checked and adjusted as necessary
After both of these services, your van’s counter will be reset so it can inform you when your next Service A or B is due.

I need my van during the day so when can I get it serviced?

This is the age-old question for those who rely on their vans for work. The good news is that at Mercedes-Benz South West, our local van servicing centres in Exeter, Plymouth, Taunton and Truro offer early opening hours and extended closing times. That helps you to reduce downtime and keep your business moving.

How long does a van service take?

The exact time will differ depending on the type of service it is and whether any repairs need to be done. However, as a guide, you should expect a minor service (Service A) to take around an hour and a half. The major service (Service B) can take up to three hours.

Book your van service today

At Mercedes-Benz South West, our specialist technicians use only Mercedes-Benz Genuine Parts to keep your van in peak condition. We also provide a two-year guarantee on all parts and labour. Book your van service with one of our teams today.
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