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Meet the Team - April Brodie, HR Advisor

28 Jul 2023

This month we're with April Brodie, HR Advisor for the Exeter, Truro and Plymouth branches, as well as Carparison. Find out her go-to karaoke song, her favourite animal, and her most memorable day at work!

Where are you from?

I was born - and lived just under half of my life - in Portsmouth, before moving to Exmouth at the age of 16.

How long have you been working at Mercedes-Benz South West?

Just over a year now; I joined in July 2022.

What is your favourite Mercedes-Benz model? (Old or new!)

I am still to decide... there are far too many to choose from!

Most memorable day at work?

Christmas Card Day, where the HR team prepared all of the cards for the whole business.

What's your favourite animal?


What's your go-to song or radio station to listen to in the car?

Smooth Country

How many attempts did it take you to pass your driving test?

I smashed it on the 3rd try!

What's your favourite film? 

Either Room or The Good Dinosaur.

What's at the top of your bucket list?

To go on a game show! My top choice would be Pointless.

What would be your karaoke song?

Either We Didn't Start the Fire or The Sound of Silence, but I'll sing anything!

Tipple of choice?

A blue WKD. Don't judge me!

First concer you ever went to?

Jimmy Eat World.

What are you most looking forward to?

Moving house soon.

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