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Meet the Team: Becky Maunder - Talent Acquisition Officer

27 Oct 2023

Today we’re with our Talent Acquisition Officer Becky Maunder, finding out everything from her favourite animals to her best day at work!

Where are you from? 

Dingwall, Scotland.

How long have you been working at Mercedes-Benz South West? 

It will be a year in November.

What is your favourite Mercedes-Benz model? (Old or new!)

Honestly I am afraid I don’t know!

Most memorable day at work? 

My first day. The team were great and very welcoming.

Favourite part of the job? 

When I call candidates after their interview to offer them the position, and the satisfaction of filling a job role.

What’s your favourite animal? 

Dogs and otters.

Where is your favourite place to visit in the South West?

I love Bantham and Bigbury Beach, but to be honest, anywhere where I can go paddle boarding!

What’s your go-to song or radio station to listen to in the car?

I love 80s, 90s, and anything cheesy!

How many attempts did it take you to pass your driving test? 

I passed first time!

What’s your favourite film?

Love Actually!

What’s at the top of your bucket list? 

Travel – I need to visit more places.

What would be your karaoke song?

I have absolutely no idea!

Tipple of choice? 

It would either be a Pink Gin and Tonic or Vodka and Lemonade.

First concert you ever went to? 

Take That!

What are you most looking forward to?

Finish doing up my campervan, then next year I can go and do the NC500 in Scotland!

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