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Meet the Team: Dean Baynes, New Car Sales Manager

18 Aug 2021
To celebrate the upcoming 71 Plate launch, we thought we’d introduce Dean Baynes, the New Car Sales Manager at Mercedes-Benz of Exeter. We spoke to Dean about his experience in the motor industry and what he likes to do when he's away from the dealership. Tell us a bit about yourself Dean: I have been in the motor trade pretty much all my working life and spent 15 years in London before moving down to Devon and joining CWC. I live in Exeter with my partner Kamila. Enjoy spending time outdoors, and if on or near the sea, then even better. Where are you from? I was born in Zimbabwe, moved over to the UK in 2000. Initially the plan was to stay for a max of two years, however 20+ years on, still here! How long have you been working at Mercedes-Benz South West? Almost five and a half years now, wow time flies. Favourite Mercedes-Benz model? (old or new) Definitely the GLS63. Most memorable day at work you’ve ever had? Shortly after joining we held an AMG event at Bovey Castle. It was a great day, in a beautiful location, with the silence broken by the awesome sound of AMG engines! Have you always been in the motor trade? What did you do before? Pretty much, apart from a short spell working in a hotel after I left school. Favourite part of the job? The curveballs and challenges that every day seems to throw at us in the Motor Trade, and being very fortunate to work with a great team in Exeter. What’s your favourite animal? Do you have any pets? The Lion for being so formidable. Currently no pets at the moment, however we are thinking of getting another dog when the time is right. Best holiday you’ve ever been on? Safari in the Masai Mara National Park, followed by a week on the beach that included a day of deep sea fishing, which was nothing short of awesome. How many attempts did it take you to pass your driving test? Just the once! Which radio station are you listening to when you drive? Virgin Radio. Favourite place to visit in the South West? A Paddle Board in Exmouth or a walk around Dartmoor. Favourite Film? Limitless. Favourite Band/Artist? Don’t really have one, pretty much listen to anything. First concert you ever went to? Red Hot Chilli Peppers in Hyde Park. Tipple of choice? Cider or Rum. What would be your Karaoke song? Summer of 69, not that you would ever get me on stage to sing! If the world ends tomorrow, what would you choose as your last meal? Anything home cooked by Kamila! What’s at the top of your bucket list? To do a proper Ski trip and head to a certain Lakehouse in Poland. What are you most looking forward to this year? It was Summer but that hasn’t been great, so I guess at this point a bit more stock! Finally… Jam then cream, or cream then jam? Jam then cream for me.
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