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Meet the team: Emma Brock, Integrated Marketing Manager

01 Oct 2018
It’s time for our next instalment, and this time we’re taking you to the Marketing Department to meet our new Integrated Marketing Manager, Emma. Originally from Cardiff, Emma studied Visual Communications in London, and has worked in Sydney and Dubai before settling down in the South West, a place that her and her husband had always dreamed of living. Welcome to the team, Emma! 1. How long have you been working at Mercedes-Benz South West? Not long at all…this is my first month! 2. Where are you from? Cardiff, Wales. Even after living away a fair bit of my adult life it’s somewhere I’ll always call home. 3. Favourite Mercedes-Benz model? The G-Class. I lived in Dubai for two years and was lucky enough to go on more than a few desert and off-road adventures. Seeing a G-Wagon in Dubai was the norm, so seeing them now always brings back memories of fun times. G-Class 4. Most memorable day at work you’ve ever had? Two weeks ago when I was at Mercedes-Benz World, that is definitely up there right now. 5. Favourite part of the job? I love the creativity of working in Marketing 6. Any Pets? I’m a fur mum to a little, but big headed Staffy. 7. Have you always been in the motor trade?  Not directly, but have targeted the automotive sector in previous roles. I’ll tell you about the most interesting car related marketing campaign I’ve worked on: This was a PR stunt to promote the new Mad Max PS4 game, where my team designed and built a replica Mad Max vehicle. This was a big hit with gamers of all ages, generated a lot of interest on social and at events and quickly made the national press. 8. How many attempts did it take you to pass your driving test? Oh dear…I was a bit of a late starter when it comes to driving, which was probably why it took three times. 9. What radio station are you listening to when you drive? I commute from Plymouth to Exeter, so I have Heart FM on more often than not, for the local traffic news. Having said that I’m not a loyal listener and will station flick to find the best tunes. 10. Favourite place to visit in the South West? I’ve only been living in the South West two years and am still exploring, so my favourite changes on a regular basis. However some of my faves are Dartmoor, Dartmouth and around Newquay. 11. Favourite TV Show to binge watch? I don’t have a fave, but my husband has never seen Braking Bad, so I’m currently enjoying revising and binge watching this series. 12. Favourite Film? My two favourite childhood movies are the Goonies and Stand By Me. 13. Favourite Band/Artist? One look at my Spofity playlists and you’d see I’ve got a very eclectic taste in music, my faves all depend on my mood. 14. First concert you ever went to? Oh how embarrassing, I think it was a radio one concert, which me and my best friend attended at Barry Island when Peter Andre was headlining. 15. Tipple of choice? A glass vino or a rum and ginger beer. 16. What would be your Karaoke song? Anything from Grease or Dirty Dancing, because they’re the only songs I actually know all the words too. 17. Best holiday you’ve ever been on? Hiking in Nepal. Seeing the sunset behind the Himalayas was magical. 18. If the world ends tomorrow, what would you choose as your last meal? Dessert, specifically a lemon meringue pie. 19. What are you most looking forward to this year? My little sister is moving to Bournemouth after living in Australia for some time. Even though she drives me mad, we’re very close and I’m really looking forward to having her live just up the coast. Finally… Jam then cream, or cream then jam?  I’m not fussy, as long as there is more cream than jam!
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