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National Earth Day

22 Apr 2022

Happy National Earth Day! Today is all about putting the health of our planet in the spotlight and highlighting the importance of investing in our home and its future. It's about understanding the steps we can take to be more environmentally friendly in our day to day.

But how do we be more environmentally friendly? To support National Earth Day here at Mercedes-Benz South West, we thought we would give you some tips and ideas on reducing your carbon footprint every day.

So, lets take a look:

Switch to an electric car

This is definitely something we can help you with and we know for a fact that driving an all-electric vehicle leaves you feeling great about travelling clean. As you're probably already aware, driving an electirc vehicle significantly reduces your carbon footprint in comparison to driving a vehicle with a combustion engine. As the Mercedes-Benz EQ range continues to grow, more and more all-electric solutions are revealed to help you make your electric switch. This year we're very excited to welcome the EQE, EQS and the EQB to our dealerships in the South West. Check out our Electric and Hybrid range today.


Mercedes-Benz EQA

Make sure you recycle

Don't just put your rubbish in the closest bin. Making sure it gets recycled or reused decreases the amount of waste and actually saves us time and cost in the long run. Carrying a reusable water bottle for example, stops you from buying a new one everyday made from single use plastics. This is an easy way to help our planet, while saving yourself some money.

Turn off plug sockets

Even though your device may be switched off or not being used, leaving plug sockets turned on at the wall still uses energy. If you're not using it, switch it off at the wall! Never leave devices on standby.

Wash clothes on low temperature

An easy habit to change. Even washing a full load of clothes at a cooler temperature rather than a warmer temperature saves a lot of water and electricity.

Walk, cycle or take public transport to work

At the very least try and car share when you can. It's very common for a typical car journey to work to take roughly 10-15 minutes, twice a day. This can easily be swapped for a 30 minute cycle or a 40 minute walk. Not only are you reducing your carbon footprint but you're also saving yourself the money it costs you to fuel up, and saving yourself the time sitting in traffic.

Use solar panels / powered devices

Sustainable energy which demands less from your sockets. You’ll be surprised how many household items can now function using solar power rather than the electricity from the wall. One great example is garden lights; let the sun power them rather than the electricity from your sockets!


Solar Panels save energy

Use Smart meters

Using smart meters helps you keep an eye on your energy usage on a day-to-day basis. It’s also a great way to identify what appliances use a lot of energy and at which times of the day you use more energy. Always be aware of and find ways to reduce your energy use and cost.

We hope our top tips and ideas on how you can use energy more sustainably and reduce your carbon footprint every day have been helpful. Sure, some are smaller or quicker than others, but they all have one thing in common; they all help our planet.

If you're considering making the switch to an electric car, explore our Electric and Hybrid range and contact us to speak to a member of the team. 

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