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Our Ambassadors: Jack Yeandle

16 Oct 2020
Mercedes-Benz South West is delighted to have had Jack Yeandle on board as one of our ambassadors. You might have seen him make an appearance at one of our many events, holding a rugby masterclass at a local school or you just follow what he gets up to on his social media channels. We have got to know Jack & his lovely family pretty well over the years and as he enters his 5th year we thought we would caught up with Jack to find out more about him. Jack is very proud of his roots and Devon has always been his home; some of his fondest memories as a child were going to watch Rugby for a team he is now captain of! His professional journey started back 2011 with Doncaster Knights before coming home to play for Exeter in 2012. Jack started as he meant to go on with an incredible and fast pace couple of years, in 2015 earning the captain band & ranking with in the top ten hookers in the world (a title he still holds!) In 2017, alongside Gareth Steenson, Jack Yeandle got to lift the Aviva Premiership trophy following his side's extra-time victory over Wasps at Twickenham. A true career highlight. When he isn’t on the pitch or enduring a high performance training session, Jack will be spending time with his lovely wife Beth, his two girls and of course Betsy the cockapoo! Although Jack is outnumbered by the ladies in his life, they are his biggest supporters and often found at the side of the rugby pitch cheering Daddy on. Jack comes from a farming family and not being afraid to muck-in helping his dad, this has given him the drive and passion to help push his team to achieve the best. Mercedes-Benz stands for the Best or Nothing, and Jack really is a great fit to represent Mercedes-Benz South West.

So, let's get to know Jack Yeandle

What is your earliest memory of rugby and how did you get into it?

The earliest memory of rugby for me is about 2001 when I went up with my dad to watch a 6 Nations game at Twickenham. I had no idea what was going on but I loved it. I didn’t actually start playing until I was 14, when my school team were short of a player and my PE teacher recommended I give it a go instead of football. I played in a sevens tournament with no idea what the rules were but I was hooked. Then the following week I played in the school team as a hooker (because they were didn’t have one), and took it from there joining my local club Crediton the following weekend.

You have been an ambassador for Mercedes-Benz South west for a number of years what has been a highlight for you?

There have been plenty of highlights attending events & coaching sessions. But the biggest highlight for me has been getting to attend the AMG day down in Cornwall and test driving the GT63s. The launch control blew my mind! I can’t wait to do a track day!

What is your most annoying habit?

Pretending to listen.

What are your top 3 favourite things about the Mercedes-Benz brand?

I’ve been very lucky enough to have owned or driven quite a number of the Mercedes-Benz range. I love the sporty aesthetics, stylish modern interior & how amazingly comfortable they are for family days out!

What makes you proud to play rugby and be able to represent the southwest?

I am local lad born and bred here, my family are from here and our two little girls were born in Exeter. I couldn’t think of anywhere else I would want to represent and have the honour of being the captain. I used to watch the chiefs at the county ground and now I get to play for them, it’s a pretty decent feeling!

Describe your dream road trip and who would you take with you?

My dream road trip would be one of two things: Either go full whack and go for some sort of top gear expedition across a ridiculous journey with my Dad. He would love it and they always look amazing. Or, probably the most likely, do the drive from LA to Vegas. I’ve never been to Vegas so you’d have to have a big blow out at the end. Get a couple of boys on board and you would have one hell of a trip. I can image that it would be a race there...

How many times did it take you to pass your driving test?

(Eye roll emoji)... 2 …I was definitely cheated out of it first time around I swear!

If you had one day free to spend anywhere in the South West where would you go?

What I’d do for a whole free day! I would spend time with my girl band and take a trip to North Devon, up around Croyde, beach day as a family we love the sea air.

What is an interesting fact about you?

Despite being called Jack, it’s not my first name…

What was you first vehicle?

Black Peugeot 206

What is your favourite vehicle in the Mercedes-Benz range?

My all-time favourite has got to be the GT63 what a car! Although Ava isn’t the biggest fan of the loud AMG engines –  meaning there’s no chance Dad can sneak one home.

What song would you choose for Car Pool Karaoke?

With two young children it's hard not to belt out a couple of  Disney songs when they get played over, and over, and over, and over, and over…..and over. Thankfully we have just escaped the greatest showman album on our family journeys, even though they are good to sing along too. Ain't no mountain high would be my go to though. * We can also report returning a number of Disney CD’s from Jack’s vehicles and all we will say is that he was child free! *

What is your favourite pizza topping?

Anything with cheese and meat. Get in me.
Jack is our longest serving Ambassador, recently joined by fellow Rugby star Luke Cowan-Dickie and Somerset County Cricket Captain Tom Abell.

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