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Prepare for Autumn Driving

12 Sep 2023

We’re steadily creeping towards the days of cold mornings and dark evenings, and before we know it, we’ll be back to driving in wet and windy conditions.

Instead of dealing with potential issues when they arise, you can prepare your car for autumn and winter driving to improve safety and comfort.

Pre-journey checks

Check your tyres

Having the correct depth and tyre pressure will help with traction on the road. If your tyres have low pressure or minimal tread depth, you could end up sliding all over the road, whether on wet leaves or ice and snow.

While the legal limit for tyre tread depth is 1.6mm, we recommend a minimum of 3mm; below this, the stopping distance of a tyre rapidly deteriorates.

Top up your liquids

Make sure your oil levels are topped up. Low or no oil in your car could lead to severe engine damage, and breaking down in the cold is not how anyone wants to spend their time!

You want to ensure your coolant is filled up to prevent the engine from overheating, and the antifreeze will prevent the engine from freezing. This will keep the performance of your vehicle in great condition.

Finally, make sure your screen wash is always topped up. We tend to use our screen wash more in the colder months as dirt and grime as well as salt from the roads often splashes onto our windscreen, causing an obstruction to our vision.

Keep your wipers in good condition

Similarly to our screen wash point, your wipers are absolutely essential in the autumn. With the UK weather promising a higher downfall of rain, having clean and damage-free wipers will ensure our windscreens are kept clear and our vision is optimised.

Make your car visible

Darker hours, wetter weather, and dirtier roads can lead to poorer visibility. To keep yourself safe, ensure you are as visible as possible.

Make sure all of your car’s lights are working and the lenses are clean, use your headlights whenever necessary, and make sure your number plates are clean and clear to avoid fines.

Get a service

If your vehicle is due a service in the next few months, get it booked in earlier rather than later to ensure it is at its safest going into the colder months.

Drive safely

Always allow extra time for autumn and winter journeys, as the road conditions will cause people to driver slower and safer, meaning journeys will take a little longer.

Wear comfortable, dry shoes when driving to avoid your feet slipping on the pedals.

Ensure you have at least a quarter tank of fuel or charge in case you get caught up in traffic.

Remember that stopping distances increase in wet and cold weather, and plan your next manoeuvres carefully. Leave a bigger-than-usual gap between you and the car in front, and anticipate braking and slowing down.

Utilise the functions that come with your vehicle, such as heated seats, remote start, and dimming effect on the mirrors.

Carry the essentials

Be prepared for anything with our handy checklist of things to keep in the car:

  • Torch and batteries
  • Warm clothing
  • Blankets
  • First Aid kit
  • Jump leads
  • Jerry can
  • Warning signs
  • Water
  • Snacks
  • Phone charger
  • Hi-visibility jacket
  • De-icer
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