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Our price guarantees

18 Dec 2020
Mercedes-Benz South West has always put its customers at the heart of everything we do. For us purchasing a Mercedes-Benz is much more than providing a beautiful new car, it’s about the whole customer experience. Key to maintaining outstanding customer care and long lasting relationships is communication and trust, especially in times of uncertainty for businesses and consumers alike. Therefore in preparation for the possibility of the UK leaving the European Union, under no deal, we would like to communicate our position in terms of vehicle pricing. Price Protection: To ensure that our customers are able to continue to purchase vehicles with confidence and to plan ahead, we will guarantee the prices of all Mercedes-Benz and smart vehicles ordered before no deal is declared and that have a quoted UK delivery date prior to that date, regardless of its arrival date into the UK. Pricing Change: Should a customs duty tariff become applicable on cars imported into the UK after leaving the European Union, we would look to increase the price of our cars accordingly, to offset the amount of the tariff (unless covered by the stated price protection). The increase would be applicable to all vehicles and factory fitted options, whether marked sold or unsold and regardless of the order, allocation date or sales channel. This would potentially vary model by model. All vehicles that are already in the UK before a no deal is declared would remain unaffected by any tariff and would therefore not face a price increase. Our Customer Service specialists are on hand to make sure that we have provided you with the best service. Should you have any questions with regards to your current order or have any questions with regards to the potential price changes ahead please contact our customer service team.
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