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Surviving the Daily Commute Again

30 Aug 2021
Come September some of you might be facing the daily commute again for the first time in 18 months. It is expected that this autumn, many offices will be welcoming back staff following an extended period of working from home being the norm. Some people may be excited to experience a bit of the ‘real world’ again and others might have enjoyed that later alarm in the mornings but as the world gets back to a bit of everyday normality we are beginning to adapt again. With that in mind, we’ve put together a collection of tips and helpful advice for surviving the daily commute again; giving you everything you need to start the day off with confidence and positivity.

Prepare the night before

Organisation is key for things going smoothly in the mornings, so make sure you get everything ready the night before. Make your lunch the night before and prepare the kids lunchboxes if you need to. Move those casual comfys to one side, and lay out what you plan to wear for your first day back. You could even go as far as putting your mug with the coffee granules next to the kettle ready for the morning dash. Get everything ready that you need for work next to the front door so you don’t forget anything. You could even plan your route if you needed to.

Leave yourself plenty of time

Spending our rush hours doing early morning yoga or sleeping in a bit longer for the best part of two years, you may have forgotten what the roads are like during the commute. We recommend you give yourself plenty of time to get to work. Aim to leave the house 10 minutes earlier than you usually need to that way you can learn what the traffic is like and what time is realistic for you to arrive on time.

Fill up early

Plan ahead and ensure your car or van has plenty of fuel the night before. There’s nothing worse than getting in the car and realising you’re close to empty. It’s only going to add time to your commute and is something extra to think about. Particularly with petrol changing in September to E10, it’s good to have this nailed when you’re in the right frame of mind.

Keep your car clean and looked after

Not only will a clean and reliable car make you feel better, it will also give you peace of mind. It’s best to do everything you can to make sure your car is in good working order, such as checking tyres, lights, or even utilising one of our service plans.

It’s not just you

Last of all, it will be many people’s first day heading back to the office and facing the daily commute again. So if you’re finding the whole idea a bit overwhelming or you’re feeling a bit anxious about going back into the office remember you’re not alone. There’s no harm smiling at the person sat in traffic next to you or playing music a little louder than normal if that helps rid those first day worries.

If you feel like your car could do with a bit of TLC to help you through the daily commute, speak with our team to organise a service for your Mercedes-Benz or smart.

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