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World Environment Day: The benefits of going electric

05 Jun 2023

This World Environment Day, we're looking at how and why electric vehicles are better for the planet. Owning an electric vehicles comes with a number of advantages, but the most significant and beneficial one is the contribution they make to our environment and the fight against climate change.

If you're wondering exactly how switching to an electric vehicle will benefit the environment, we've compiled a list of a few of the reasons below.

Battery Powered Energy

When compared to vehicles powered by internal combustion engines, electric vehicles are considered to be more efficient and use less energy to undertake the same tasks as cars using fossil fuels. When it’s time to ‘refuel’, battery power requires you to simply plug and go at your nearest charging point.

Goodbye Nasty Pollutants

In 2020, transport accounted for approximately a third of all the carbon emissions in the UK. Whether you drive a diesel or petrol vehicle, harmful emissions are being released into the atmosphere through your exhaust pipe every day. A combination of both carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases, these are responsible for climate change and have a lasting, damaging effect on the environment.

Although electric cars require electricity in order to power them, their carbon output is significantly lower than those using petrol or diesel. In fact, more than a third of the lifetime CO2 emissions from an electric vehicle come from the production of making the car itself. 

A Peaceful Atmosphere

That quiet purr of an electric engine will have you questioning whether the vehicle has even been switched on! It also means noise pollution on our roads will be immensely reduced in the future. So get those windows down and enjoy the peaceful sounds of the natural world around you!

Not Sure if Going Straight to Electric is the Right Move for You? Why Not Try a Hybrid Instead

Combining the power of a fuel combustion engine and the innovation of an electric vehicle, a plug-in hybrid is a great first step to take when considering your electric future. Although a hybrid will still produce some emissions when in use, having the option to switch between a traditional and electric engine will still have a considerable impact on your carbon footprint. Electric vehicles are a cleaner, greener way to travel and by making the switch our planet will be breathing a sigh of relief on the steps being taken towards a happier, healthier environment.

Ready to make the jump into the electric future? Our friendly and knowledgeable team is on hand to answer your questions. Contact your local dealership today to find out more.

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