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The best car care resolutions for this New Year

07 Jan 2019
It’s that time again; The New Year is here so it’s time to think about your resolutions. But have you thought about resolutions for your car? Yes that’s correct we did say car. At a time where we often reflect on the year just gone and look ahead to the coming months, why not consider these six resolutions that are designed specifically to help keep your car happy and healthy. 1.Stay on top of your vehicle fluids – There are lots of essential fluids in every vehicle and it is important to ensure that these levels are looked after all year around. Arguably the most important of these is your engine oil as it requires more frequent attention than is often realised. After travelling over large distances your car’s engine oil will become increasingly dirty. The contaminants within this dirt can start to cause wear on the engine, and will prevent the oil from lubricating the engine as is required. This will eventually cause complete engine failure. Recommended change intervals vary depending on your usage, but we suggest doing so every 5,000 miles to maintain optimum engine function 2. Regularly check your tyre pressure & tread – In reflection of the surprise cold snap we experienced last year as a result of the Beast from the East, it is best to be prepared for all weather eventualities. Checking your tyre tread and condition regularly will help avoid premature wear and tear and could prevent excessive fuel usage. Particularly in colder weather, this will also reduce the likelihood of a puncture or even an accident. 3. Stick to your service schedule - Keeping up with the recommended service schedule is an easy way to keep your car performing at its best and could help prevent breakdowns and unexpected repairs. Having regular services can also help when it comes to selling on your vehicle as the new owner will know your vehicle has been well looked after. Mercedes-Benz South West offer service plans to help you manage your servicing costs over a set term and you can find out more about these by visiting our service portal. Service 4. Keep your car looking its best – Over the winter period there is likely to be an increase in salt spreading in order to keep our roads safe from snow and ice. These deposits easily transfer to our cars and, if left, can cause the paint work to degrade. It may be too cold to go out and wash it by yourself at the moment but if you pop to your local car wash, it can be done for you quickly from the comfort of your driving seat. 5. Don’t ignore problems, get them checked – Over time we may come to notice small faults, sometimes indicated by an unusual noise or smell, and we can be tempted to ignore them. However, even if the performance of your car doesn’t seem to be affected, leaving these issues is likely to leave you with a bigger repair bill. Best practice really is to get the issue checked as soon as you notice it. 6. Drive more economically – Being more conscious about how we drive is a step towards a better carbon footprint and one that will also save you money at the pump. For better fuel efficiency you should drive smoothly, avoiding harsh acceleration and braking. You should also reduce the amount of weight in the car by taking out any unnecessary baggage or removing your roof box when it is not in use. If you want to be more conscious of new ways to look after your car as well as yourself this New Year, it is also a great time to kick these bad driving habits that could unknowingly be damaging your car. If you would like to start the year as you mean to go on and with your car in optimum condition, our workshop team can complete a health check on your Mercedes-Benz. These are available throughout the year and you can book online.
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