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The Mercedes-Benz Guides App

03 Jan 2021
The Mercedes-Benz Guides App is a handy way to make sure that you’re getting the most from your car. Buying your next car is a big moment. The thrill of walking into the show room on collection day and seeing your latest purchase waiting expectantly underneath the black cloth, ready for the big reveal is a truly exciting feeling. Your Sales Executive hands you the keys and as you sit in the driver’s seat you feel an inimitable amount of pride and pleasure. Our Mercedes-Benz South West team will ensure that you receive a thorough demonstration of all of the controls in your vehicle. However, with all of that buzz there may be something that you miss or don’t quite remember. Although our staff are always happy to welcome to answer any queries, you might need some information quickly or while on the go, and that is where the Mercedes-Benz Guides App comes in. The Mercedes-Benz Guides App is a practical user guide for Mercedes-Benz drivers. On it you can find guides for our vehicles including ‘How To’s’ and step-by-step instructions to ensure that you are always making the most of your car.
“I’ve been driving an A-Class for nearly 2 years. Last week I was taking my dog Rufus up to Dartmoor for a walk and had to pop into the supermarket quickly on the way. I left Rufus in the back while I ran in, but I forgot how to turn the motion sensors off and the alarm started to sound when he moved! I was able to use the Mercedes-Benz Guides app to quickly remind myself how to suspend them. It was a real life saver when I was already in a rush” Emma Brock, A-Class Driver

How to Download the Mercedes-Benz Guides App

Step One: Download the App. Visit your app store, and search for ‘Mercedes-Benz Guides’ – select the Mercedes-Benz Guides App and download. The Mercedes-Benz Guides app is available on iOS and Android.

Step Two: Accept the Terms and Conditions of use by selecting Accept. Step Three: On the ‘My Guides’ page, tap the + sign in the top right have corner and navigate to your vehicle. Select the model and the model year and then either download the guide for anytime access, or open the online version. Step Four: Navigate the various functions of your vehicle and enjoy! The Mercedes-Benz  Guides App has many useful features. These include practical instructions on how to use your vehicle including how to operate electric wing mirrors, or connecting your mobile phone. There are also more general advice guides on how to prepare for a holiday or what to do in the event of a breakdown. Here at Mercedes-Benz South West we are always happy to help if you need any further guidance on how to get the most of your car. Please pop into the dealership to see us any time. For a more detailed lesson, our Customer Loyalty Specialists are also happy to provide a second hand over. Contact your local dealership for more information.

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