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What is Mercedes-Benz Rescue Assist?

18 Sep 2023
Mercedes-Benz is revolutionising road safety with Rescue Assist – an innovative system that gives emergency services critical information at the scene of an accident. All new Mercedes-Benz models are automatically fitted with Rescue Assist QR (Quick Response) Codes during production. For cars manufactured from 1990 onwards that currently do not have them, Mercedes-Benz is offering a free-of-charge retro-fit service.

What is Rescue Assist?

QR Rescue Code stickers are specific to your vehicle model and can be fitted in a matter of minutes. They are attached onto the inside of the fuel filler flap and the opposing front door pillar to ensure the most reliable access to your vehicle's information in the event of an emergency. 

How does Rescue Assist work?

Emergency workers scan the code using a mobile device to gain instant access to a digital display of the vehicle’s structural framework allowing the emergency services to see where some of the most dangerous systems are located. This includes batteries, airbags, fuel tanks, high-pressure cylinders and electrical components. It also includes information that helps rescuers pinpoint the best place to cut into the car’s body structure to extricate occupants.

How did Emergency Services used to get this information?

In the past, emergency services only had large catalogues of vehicle information or data terminals on the fire engines to rely on. Now with Rescue Assist, rescue workers have reliable and accurate information at their fingertips to save those all-important seconds.

To arrange your free retro-fitting, please contact your local retailer.

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